Category: Agricultural and Biological Sciences Subcategory: Animal Science and Zoology
226 / 490
自己引用率 (2023-2024)
We publish original reseach papers, short-communications and reviews related to the biology of birds, with an emphasis on documentation, analysis, and interpretation of field and laboratory studies, presentation of new methodologies, theories or reviews of ideas or previously known information. Ornithology Research has a focus on the Neotropical region, but it is open to global studies on birds.
Records of occurrence are potentially suitable as long as they present verifiable documentation and the first record for a given country.
Studies based on data provided by citizen science databases are welcome, but should provide substantial volume of data, address well-formulated research questions, and provided detailed analysis.
The following areas of interest are covered by the journal:
ornithological studies on behavior behavioral ecology biogeography breeding biology community ecology conservation biology distribution evolution and genetics landscape ecology methods and statistics migration nomenclature paleontology parasites and diseases phylogeography physiology population biology systematics taxonomy
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