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LetPub の質の高いサービスは、数多くの顧客レビューで賞賛されており、多くの影響力の高いジャーナルの顧客出版物でも認められています。

  • Dr. Lai Wei

    Capital Normal University

    “LetPub is very responsible. The entire process was pleasant, and the business manager’s attitude was very good. If there was any problem, the manager would provide feedback and help with the consultation. The service was also highly efficient: From sending the manuscript through editing to sending it back, the whole process took less than a week. The modification process is also very serious. Small articles, singular and plural nouns, punctuation, and sentence structure were all edited very carefully… “ Read more

  • Team of Pro. Tao Wu

    Institute of Food Science and Technology CAAS

    “LetPub professional language editing service is really good, and every important manuscript of our team will let LetPub to edit. Their experts can give excellent modification suggestions and reasons from the title to preface, charts caption, discussion and references. The efficiency of editing is super high. Foreigners and Chinese people still have great difference in thinking. Through this language editing service, I also learnt foreigner authentically writing style, which I benefited a lot. LetPub is definitely the first choice, in the case of funds permit. “ Read more

  • Yuan Zhang

    Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication

    Manuscript title: Risk evaluation of bogie system based on extension theory and entropy weight method Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience (IF: 0.5, 2014)
    “LetPub provides very professional editing service. The quality guarantee is a huge weight off the minds of researchers like me. I found LetPub to distinctly stand out amongst its peers, and I have recommended LetPub to my colleagues... “ Read more

  • Qian Zhang

    Geriatric medicine ICU of Jiangsu Province Hospital

    “LetPub Language Editing Service is very professional. Westerners’ thinking is absolutely different from Chinese thinking with respect to language. For example, my manuscript had been rejected because the English did not seem authentic. A colleague recommended LetPub to me. My manuscript was much smoother after being modified by LetPub. In the second half of last year, I had another manuscript that I’d written in Chinese translated directly by LetPub, which saved me a great deal of trouble with translation and polishing. This manuscript was accepted by Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (IF: 4.5, JCR2014)... “ Read more

  • Mingsong Wang

    Third Affiliated Hospital, Third Military Medical University, Chongqing Daping Hospital

    "Most of the issues pointed out by the reviewers in response to my original manuscript concerned language. My advisor recommended LetPub, which had already successfully cooperated with our research group several times in the past. After LetPub took over to edit my manuscript, it was soon accepted by the journal without any conditions. I had a very pleasant experience, and I would recommend LetPub to other colleagues. Thank you! " Read more

  • Xiaodong Zhang

    Chongqing Health Center for Women and Children

    Manuscript title: Time of insemination culture and outcomes of in vitro fertilization: a systematic review and meta-analysise Human reproduction update (IF: 10.2, 2013)
    “After being edited by LetPub, my manuscript was published by a top obstetrics and gynecology journal, Human Reproduction Update. This process took over 1 year and 2 overhauls, and the editor patiently and tirelessly communicated with me for grammar and word usage. The whole experience was very professional. Thank you very much! “ Read more

  • Dr. Yaping Ruan

    University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

    Manuscript title: Cascade splitting of two atomic energy levels due to multiphoton absorption PHYSICAL REVIEW A (IF: 2.8, 2014)
    “My manuscript had been peer-reviewed quite a few times and was always rejected primarily for language problems. Then, a professor from Tsinghua University recommended LetPub’s Language Editing Service to me…” Read more

  • Team of Dr. Youxiong Que

    Technology research and development center of national sugarcane industry

    Manuscript title: Establishment and application of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) system for detection of cry1Ac transgenic sugarcane Scientific reports (IF: 5.6, 2014)
    “Our team has used LetPub’s translation and language editing services many times, and the quality of the language of our manuscripts always improves a lot. “ Read more

  • Dr. Li

    CDC China

    “I found service prompt and professional. Not only can they modify the text to remove syntax errors, but they ask the right questions about other details in the manuscript, such as suggesting what word would be best in a specific case. After editing by LetPub, the manuscript was accepted quickly. Thank you! ” Read more

  • Qian Lu

    Wuhan University

    Manuscript title: Using pollen grains as novel hydrophilic solid-phase extraction sorbents for the simultaneous determination of 16 plant growth regulators Journal of Chromatography A (IF: 4.2, 2014)
    “I am very satisfied with LetPub’s Language Editing Service. When my manuscript was rejected by a journal because the English did not sound natural enough, LetPub helped me meet editors’ requirements, and the manuscript was later published successfully. LetPub’s services are also efficient and meticulous, and they eliminated a lot of barriers for me.” Read more

  • Dr. Xianhong Ou

    Guilin Medical College

    Manuscript title: GW25-e3109 An Improved Method for Isolating Canine Atrial Myocytes in Electrophysiological Study Journal of the American College of Cardiology (IF: 16.5, 2014)
    “A friend recommended LetPub to me, and I selected the Expert Scientific Editing Service package. My manuscript was immediately accepted after submission. This really saved time, and I have recommended LetPub to my colleagues. I hope to work with LetPub more in the future.” Read more

  • Dr. Mila Yan

    Zhongshan University

    Manuscript title: Improvement of pharmacokinetic and antitumor activity of layered double hydroxide nanoparticles by coating with PEGylated phospholipid membrane International journal of nanomedicine (IF: 4.4, 2014)
    “I was very satisfied with the language editing service provided by LetPub. Because my project was urgent, I asked whether they could accelerate the process. The staff was very patient and positive while helping me...” Read more

  • Yanlong Hu

    Sichuan University

    Manuscript title: Analysis of the hydropower generation cost and the affordability of the hydropower on-grid price in Tibet Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy (IF: 0.9, 2015)
    “Your service is very good, and I would work with you in the future.” Read more

  • Dr. Jiahe Li

    China Agricultural University

    Manuscript title: Development of a replicative plasmid for gene expression in Mycoplasma bovis Journal of Microbiological Methods (IF: 2.0, 2015)
    “Our laboratory has used LetPub Language Editing Service more than three times. Their staff is very enthusiastic, and their work is rigorous and earnest. Our manuscripts were modified very well, and we feel confident recommending LetPub to others.” Read more

  • Dr. Zhao Wang

    Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

    “This was my first time using LetPub services. I found their staff to be very professional, patient, and meticulous in addressing the language problems in my paper, which included English grammar and word choice. After editing, the quality of language was on a whole other level. Thanks, LetPub! ” Read more

  • Suli Yan

    Beijing Forestry University

    Manuscript title: Heterotrimeric G-proteins involved in the MeJA regulated ion flux and stomatal closure in Arabidopsis thaliana Functional Plant Biology (IF: 3.1, 2014)
    “Our team has worked with LetPub many times, and the quality of the manuscripts always went up a great deal after editing.” Read more

  • Dr. Zhongjie Fan

    "LetPub provides excellent service. I selected the All-inclusive Language Editing Service package for my manuscript. I found my edited manuscript to have elegant English. It was soon accepted by a well-known SCI journal. I have recommended LetPub to my labmates, and I expect LetPub will grow even stronger and better in the future." Read more

  • Dr. Site Luo

    Xiamen University

    Manuscript title: The complete mitochondrial genomes of sixteen ardeid birds revealing the evolutionary process of the gene rearrangements BMC genomics (IF: 4.0, 2014)
    “I was pleased with the professionalism of LetPub staff. Previously, our group’s manuscripts were often rejected for language problems. A colleague introduced us to LetPub, and we engaged them to polish our manuscripts, which were finally accepted successfully... ” Read more

  • Dr. Gao

    Civil Engineering Department of Tsinghua University

    “The editors’ comments are very detailed and useful. It is amazing! “ Read more

  • Dr. Jianfeng Liang

    Beijing-Japanese Friendship Hospital

    Manuscript title: The REST Gene Signature Predicts Drug Sensitivity in Neuroblastoma Cell Lines and Is Significantly Associated with Neuroblastoma Tumor Stage International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IF: 2.9, 2014)
    “We have had two LetPub-edited manuscripts published, and the editing service was very helpful throughout the process. LetPub’s service is very professional, timely, and their comments are very valuable too. “ Read more

  • Dr. Weili Kong

    China Agricultural University

    Manuscript title: Hemagglutinin mutation D222N of the 2009 pandemic H1N1 influenza virus alters receptor specificity without affecting virulence in mice Virus Research (IF: 2.3, 2014)
    “Our group uses LetPub services to edit our manuscripts, and we always have a pleasant experience. “ Read more

  • Pro. Kai Wei

    China Agriculture University

    Manuscript title: Influenza A virus Acquires Enhanced Pathogenicity and Transmissibility After Serial Passages in Swine Journal of virology (IF: 4.4, 2014)
    “We would like to thank the editor for modifying our manuscript so carefully. LetPub acted in strict accordance with our requirements regarding the choice of editor, and the modifications were very good. “ Read more

  • Dr. Xiaojuan Deng

    Central South University

    “Be keenly aware of this: The higher the price, the better the quality of the merchandise. I started with LetPub’s Journal Recommendation Service. Then I decided to save money and chose another company to edit the manuscript. The results were so bad that the paper had to be edited again. I came back to use LetPub’s Expert Scientific Editing Service to modify my manuscript. My manuscript was accepted shortly after that. The whole process from submission to acceptance took less than 3 months. LetPub showed me how a real professional team delivers effective and reliable services. LetPub, I have decided to work with you more in the future. “ Read more

  • Jing Tang

    Nankai University

    “We send our manuscripts to LetPub for language editing before submitting to journals. Every time we received an edited version, we have a meeting to discuss and learn from it. We've improved our academic English considerably. Because the financial procedures in our school are very cumbersome, we needed to communicate with the customer service staff many times, and they were always very patient and answered our questions. Thank you very much! “ Read more

  • Kun Wang

    The First People’s Hospital of ChangzhouThe Third Affiliated Hospital Soochow University

    “LetPub is a very professional manuscript editing company and their service is highly efficient. After being edited, my manuscript’s language became much smoother and it passed the journal’s language check. LetPub’s staff is enthusiastic and they have a professional working procedure. It was my ex-classmate first referred LetPub to me, and I have since strongly recommended this company to my colleagues. “ Read more

  • Yue Ying

    Otolaryngological Hospital Affiliated with Fudan University

    "LetPub’s editing service was recommended to me by a classmate. The results were satisfying, the price was reasonable, and turnaround time was good. I would work with LetPub again." Read more

  • Pengfei Kong

    Cancer Hospital of Zhongshan University

    Manuscript title: Vitamin intake reduce the risk of gastric cancer: meta-analysis and systematic review of randomized and observational studies. PloS one (IF: 3.2, 2014)
    "I learned of LetPub from www.dxy.cn. At the time I had quite a few options when it comes to choose an editing company. I decided to give LetPub a try partly because of the good impression I had with your website. It turned out that I was quite satisfied with the quality of the service I received..." Read more

  • Associate Professor Zhongfei Xu

    Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University

    Manuscript title: Chemokine receptor 7 promotes tumor migration and invasiveness via the RhoA/ROCK pathway in metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck Oncology reports (IF: 2.3, 2014)
    Read more


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