Place Branding and Public Diplomacy is a pioneering journal and the first to concentrate on this fast-growing field. Its scope and reach is global and culturally unbiased. Its primary objective is to broaden the understanding of the nature, purposes and benefits of both place branding and public diplomacy and to demonstrate how place branding and public diplomacy strategies are implemented in practice.
Place branding is the practice of applying brand strategy and other techniques and disciplines - some deriving from commercial practice, others newly developed - to the economic, social, political and cultural development of cities, regions and countries. Public diplomacy is the process by which an international actor – often but not exclusively a country – conducts foreign policy by engaging a foreign public. Public Diplomacy and Place Branding are not synonyms but their overlaps are sufficient to justify a journal which considers both activities in their own right and at their point of convergence.
Both Place Branding and Public Diplomacy are significantly, but not exclusively, concerned with reputation management. To date the ways in which countries, cities and regions manage their reputations and influence external 'audiences' - or fail to do so - have been discussed in a fragmented way across a range of disciplines: from political philosophy to public relations, by way of destination marketing, economics, social and cultural policy, international relations, public affairs, brand strategy, tourism promotion, inward investment promotion and export branding. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy provides a comprehensive, coherent forum with which to drive the subject forward by publishing authoritative, peer-reviewed articles as well as news, debates, interviews, literature reviews, case studies and special features. It provides an international forum where practitioners, academic researchers, consultants, students, governments and the wider public can debate these issues and learn about best practice.
Place Branding and Public Diplomacy is a publication which is relevant to the needs of place branding practitioners, Public Diplomats, policy makers, and researchers. It was designed first and foremost as a review that would attract submissions and be read by both practitioners and researchers. It provides researchers as well as ministries, governments, civil servants, agencies, and consultants with the latest thinking and most valuable lessons on how places can better manage their images and extend their 'soft power' for economic, social and cultural development.
Who will benefit most from a subscription to Place Branding and Public Diplomacy?
Academics and Researchers in place marketing and public diplomacy studies; scholars of international politics, international relations, public affairs, globalisation studies, economics, international marketing, diplomatic studies and communication.Ministries of Foreign Affairs - Ministers, Ambassadors and their staff working in international relations, public diplomacy, media relations, press offices and public affairsOther agencies dealing with Foreign Policy such as think tanks, policy advisors, foundations, diplomatic academies, embassies and consulatesOther Government Ministries - Place Branding is of direct concern to Ministries of Tourism, Foreign Direct Investment, Major Events, Sport, Culture, Regions, Industry, Exports, Economic Affairs, Treasury, Development and Education, as all these are stakeholders in the image of the country, region or cityCultural Institutes and foundationsRegional and city governments; mayoral offices; regional, cantonal, state and city tourism, economic and development agenciesCommunications Agencies; Tourism and Investment ConsultantsInvestment Promotion AgenciesNon-Governmental Organizations seeking to engage a foreign audience.